City of DeLand - The good heartedness of our citizens and their strong sense of community.
Planet DeLand - Online Directory of local services, products and community information for DeLand, Florida, and surrounding areas.
DeLand Beacon - The Web Site of West Volusia's community newspaper, featuring local news of DeLand, Orange City, Deltona, DeBary, Lake Helen, DeLeon Springs, Glenwood, Pierson, Cassadaga, Seville and Barberville in Florida.
DeLand Museum - The DeLand Museum of Art integrates exhibitions, collections, and educational programs to create an inviting, enriching, and stimulating experience for a diverse audience.
Sands Theater Center - Five professionally directed Main Stage theater productions are produced each season. Auditions are open to the public. Volunteer opportunities are available in all production areas.
Stetson University - Stetson University's mission is to provide an excellent education in a creative community where learning and values meet.
MainStreet DeLand - MainStreet DeLand is a non-profit advocacy and action association dedicated to the revitalization of the heart of DeLand.
Vol. County Property Appraiser
W. Volusia Association of Realtors